making fresh milk yogurt with an easi yo maker

Will my plastic easi yo maker work with fresh milk?

Can that plastic yogurt maker in your cupboard work if you don't buy their packets of milk powder and other stuff?

The answer is YES, BUT ....  you need to use a different method.

Easi-Yo and Hansells use boiling water around a mixture of milk powder, other ingredients, and COLD water.

To use your favourite fresh milk, follow these instructions:

1. fill your plastic maker and container with hot water from the tap (not boiling)

2. heat your milk to 90°C on the oven or microwave

3. cool your milk to 45°C in a sink of cold water

4. stir in your starter culture

5. pour the milk into the container and put the lid on

6. put it in the maker and pour hot water from the tap around it up to the lid (the water should be around 45°C)

7. after 4 hours empty it and pour more hot water around it

8. leave for another 4 hours then chill completely before eating

Plastic yogurt makers lose heat quickly and rely on boiling water, extra milk powder, and other ingredients to make a thick yogurt.

If you're using fresh milk and letting the culture thicken it, you need to use the method we've given above.

Don't use boiling water, it will kill the starter culture.  Don't use cold milk, it needs to be heated then cooled to make a naturally thick yogurt.

Proof this Works!

easi yo yoghurt maker

We made two batches of yogurt with the same yogurt starter and the same milk.  One batch was made in the Easi Yo maker and the other was made in the Stainless Steel Yogurt Maker that we use.

Here are the results - identical thick and delicious yogurt made from fresh whole milk.





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